Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Meeting

Our Day of Reflection was held on October 11, 2008. The day started with Morning Prayer and Mass, followed by Rev. John Guzaldo sharing some beautiful reflections on the Sacrament of Marriage.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Do You Have A Carmelite Vocation?

The Carmelite Study Group of St. Helen’s Church in Georgetown will be holding inquiry classes for those who are interested in Carmelite Spirituality.

Participants may observe the classes and discern if Carmel is calling them to its secular vocation.

Classes will be open from August - December 2008 and are held on the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Pawlicki Center of St. Helen’s. The next class will be held on August 9.

For more information call Lois at 512-863-3124.

2008 Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule

We meet on the second Satuday of each month in St. Helen's Pawlicki Center at 9:30AM. We gather for morning prayer in the church at 8:00 AM and stay for Mass at 8:30AM. We have a social gathering after Mass from 9:00 - 9:30 AM. The study group meets at 9:30 - 10:30 AM. There is a short break and then continues with a short class on the Rule of Life and a short meeting.

Once a year the group has a Day of Reflection for the members and also participates in the annual Parish Day of Reflection. The members also attend a three day silent retreat.

2008 Calendar

2008 Calendar

October 1
Feast Day - St Therese of the Child Jesus

October 11
Day of Reflection

October 15
St. Teresa of Jesus (St. Teresa of Avila)

November 8
Day of Reflection

December 13
Christmas Party

December 14
Feast Day - St. John of the Cross

History Of Our Study Group

History Of Our Study Group

Our Carmelite Spirituality Study Group arose from the Ministry Fair held at St. Helen's in Georgetown, TX on August 2002. Prior to this, Dora Zavala, Formation Director of the San Antonio Secular Order of Discalced Carmelite Community approached Father Michael Mulvey, pastor of St. Helen's concerning the possibility of starting a discussion group on Carmelite Spirituality. Father Mulvey and Father Early OCD (Spiritual Director of the San Antonio OCDS Community) gave their permission to start a discussion group. The group was stared in September 2002 by Dora Zavala, Lois Vasquez and Paula Boyd. All three were members of the San Antonio OCDS Community. Under the guidance of Father Mulvey and Father Early the group begins studying St. Teresa's "The Way of Perfection".

Six people attended the first session and to this day the group continues to grow. The first session is open to parishioners. The second session is only for clothed members. A short meeting follows the second session.

In June 2003, our Provincial Delegate (Father John Michael Payne from Arkansas) came to visit the group. At this visit the Provincial clothed 14 aspirants. A month later Father Michael Mulvey clothes two more aspirants. These aspirants will study for two years before making their 1st Temporary Promises and three years for their Definitive Promises. The provincial also appointed a Formation Direction, President and Two Council Members. These offices have made their Definite Promises. The Provincial also recognized the group as a Carmelite Spirituality Study Group.

On Going Formation 2008

On Going Formation
-Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese (2008)

-Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (2008)

-Story of a Soul, St. Therese of Liseux (2007)

History of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Statue

History of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Statue

We collected money from the members every month specifically to buy a statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel during our pilgrimage to Spain (Nov 2005). We kept our eyes open the whole trip and finally found a beautiful hand-carved statue in Madrid, our last stop.

We collected money from the members every month specifically to buy a statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel during our pilgrimage to Spain (Nov 2005). We kept our eyes open the whole trip and finally found a beautiful hand-carved statue in Madrid, our last stop.

The people at the hotel directed us downtown, where the best church supply stores were. They said to check especially with Belloso religious goods. Lansing, Dora, Birdie, Dave, Lois and Claire set out for the store in taxis and were dropped off close by. Even though we had the address, we had quite a time finding it. We walked up and down the block twice, then around the block, stopping at another church supply store for directions. The store we wanted was around the block, we had passed it on the wrong side of the street. What a fascinating place it was, very narrow and two stories tall, and full of beautiful hand-carved statues in all different sizes.

We knew she was the right one as soon as we saw her. She had such a lovely face that we just fell in love with her. We were a bit short and two of us split the difference. (The group collected more during the coming year and paid them back.) The transaction took quite a while. Between figuring out the final price, and trying to pay with cash and two credit cards, it didn’t seem like we would ever finish. Meanwhile, Lansing walked back to the other shop and bought his own smaller statue. He was back in plenty of time.

The shopkeeper wrapped the statue in bubble wrap, plastic wrap and lots and lots of tape, making a large handle to carry the package by. Claire wanted to carry it and the rest of the group very kindly let her. She took it through the airport in Madrid (allowing Fr. Michael to carry it part of the way, thinking maybe it would be selfish not let him), held it on the plane, got it through customs, the next flight to Austin and then the bus ride home. Thank goodness for that handle!

We have the statue at our monthly meetings. Fr. Louis lets us set her up in the church on our special feast days and celebrations. She’s such a nice addition to our group.

Prayer Requests

"Each one of you is to stay in his own cell or nearby, pondering the Lord’s law day and night and keeping watch at his prayers." - Carmelite Rule no. 10

By their daily life and, especially, by their prayers, Carmelites wish to make themselves available and to help those who suffer because of so many ills in the world, or those who wish to thank God for so many marvels. If you feel the need of our prayers, please contact Diane at or 512-864-4089.