Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fall 2010: Flos Carmeli

The Fall 2010 issue of the Flos Carmeli is available here.

It features our very own Ramona Zelasko, Diane Gray, Mary Miranda, and Maron Burke!

2011 OCDS Provincial Congress

2011 OCDS Provincial Congress
Oklahoma Province
Lafayette, LA

THURSDAY, June 23, 2011
Evening Prayer-Grand Ballroom
Reception-Welcome to Lafayette

Congress Address: Father Gregory Ross, O.C.D., Provincial for the Oklahoma Province

FRIDAY, June 24, 2011
Solemnity of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist

Continental Breakfast & Registration
Morning Office-Grand Ballroom

Congress Presentation: Dr. Susan Muto
"St. Teresa, Our Holy Mother, A Directress of Formation for All Times"

Buffet Lunch
OCDS Ratio Institutionis for the Oklahoma Province
Evening Prayer-Grand Ballroom
Buffet Dinner-Grand Ballroom

Congress Address: Father Aloysius Deeney, O.C.D.
"Celebrating St. Teresa throughout the Nation of Carmel"
Provincial Meeting

SATURDAY, June 25, 2011
Continental Breakfast
Morning Office-Grand Ballroom

Congress Presentation: Father Bonaventure Sauer, O.C.D.
"St. Teresa, Our Holy Mother Teaches us the Way of Perfection"

Buffet Lunch-Grand Ballroom
EXCURSION: Carmelite Monastery of Mary, Mother of Grace
OPEN FORUM: with the Friars, Presenters, and visiting Community members
Evening Prayer-Grand Ballroom


SUNDAY, June 26, 2011
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Continental Breakfast
Morning Office-Grand Ballroom

Congress Presentation: Father Daniel Chowning, O.C.D.
"St. Teresa, Our Holy Mother Teaches us the "Our Father" as the Way of Perfection"


December 2010: First Promises

On December 11 2010, two of our members, Marianne Gonzales and Rebecca Snook, Made their First Promise into the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites:

"inspired by the Holy Spirit, in response to God's call, sincerely promise to the Superiors of the Order of the Teresian Carmel and to you, my brothers and sisters, to tend toward evangelical perfection in the spirit of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, obedience, and of the Beatitudes, according to the Constitutions of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites, for three years. I confidently entrust this, my Promise, to the Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel."

The rite was celebrated during the 8:30 AM Mass at St. Helen’s Catholic Church in Georgetown, TX. Msgr. Louis Pavlicek, Pastor of St. Helen’s celebrated the Mass. A reception followed afterwards at the Parish Activity Center.

For more pictures of this event, click here.