Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 2009: Meeting

February’s meeting was held on Saturday, February 14th, Memorial of Saints Cyril and Methodius. We started our day with Morning Prayer and Mass.

During our business meeting we welcomed four visiting members of the Carmelite community in Waco. For our on-going formation, Maron lead us in a discussion on Renunciation, Sacrifice and Abandonment from Chapters 7 and 8 of the Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese.

In addition to our monthly formation meetings, our community will be staying very busy in the next couple of months:

On Saturday, February 21, 2009 some of our members will join the Schoenstatt Movement led by Victor and Olga Alegria for a pilgrimage to the shrine in San Antonio, TX.

On Friday March 27, 2009, we will participate in the Evangelization dinners organized by the Knights of Columbus at St. Helen’s Catholic Church. Our community will have an information table and members will be available to answer questions about our community and Carmelite spirituality.

Our annual silent retreat will be held on March 20-22, 2009 at Cedarbreak Retreat Center in Belton, TX. Brother Joel Giallanza, CSC will be leading the retreat. He serves as the Vicar of Religious for the Diocese of Austin, TX and as Director of the Institute for Spiritual Direction. The theme for our retreat will be on the Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila.

Also, two of our members will also be attending the Dallas Workshop being held at the Mount Carmel Center in Dallas, TX on April 23-26, 2009.

Some of our members will also be participating in the pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, May 11th to the 18th, led by our Pastor, Msgr. Louis Pavlicek.

Finally, our community is planning a summer picnic with our families on Saturday June 27, 2009 at St. Helen’s Catholic Church.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 8:00 AM. Diane will be leading our discussion on Simplicity and Oblation to Merciful Love from Chapters 9 and 10 of the Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese.

If you have any questions, please call Lois at 512-863-3124.

"Outside of the Divine Will, we can do nothing for Jesus or for the salvation of souls" - St. Therese of Lisieux