Saturday, June 30, 2018

Promises and Clothings, January 2015

On January 10, 2015, the Triumph of the Cross Community, received into formation Jim Burns and Pauline Menefee who were clothed with the Brown Scapular during Morning Prayer at Saint Helen Catholic Church in Georgetown.  A Mass followed during which Bill Boyd, Kim Lawlis, and Carole Lockamy made their Definitive Promise, and Lee Burns, Hugo and Veronica Estrada, and Cynthia Morales made their First Promise.  The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Tim Nolt with Fr. Bonaventure Sauer as co-presider.  The Clothing and Promise ceremony were presided over by Father Bonaventure.  A reception followed afterwards at the Saint Rita Activity Center. 

Afterwards, Father Bonaventure conducted our Day of Reflection using the brochure entitled, “The Prayer of Recollection, Saint Teresa of Avila.”

On February 14, Lilia Medina was clothed during Morning Prayer with Lansing Prescott, President, performing the ceremony. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Day of Reflection 2016

On Saturday, January 9, Fr. Bonaventure Sauer, OCD visited with our Community and presented a talk for our Day of Reflection. 

Clothing and Promise Ceremony 2016

On January 9, 2016,  we were blessed to have Fr. Bonaventure Sauer, OCD visit our Community.  A clothing ceremony was held during Morning Prayer and Elizabeth, Roberta, Jamie and Jacqueline were all clothed in the Brown Scapular. 

Later, during Mass, Matthew made his Definitive Promise. 

Group photo of our newly clothed and definite promise members with Fr. Bonaventure.

Centenary Celebration 2015


On Saturday, November 7, 2015, our Community held a Centenary Celebration in honor of the 500th year of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila, Foundress of the Discalced Carmelites. We began our day with Mass followed by a presentation by Fr. Jerome Earley, O.C.D. entitled: 
A walk with St. Teresa ~ through the darkness and into the light. 






Monday, June 8, 2015

Retreat 2015

Our annual retreat was held at
Cedarbrake Retreat Center Belton, Texas
on April 18, 2015. 

Our presenter was Brother Joel Giallanza, C.S.C

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2014 Council

At our annual Silent Retreat, elections were held and a new council was selected.  Council will serve for the next three years.  Pictured are our new council members and officers.

From the left:
Kim Lawlis, Council Secretary
Lansing Prescott, President
Cindy Johnson, Councilor
Mary Miranda, Councilor
Marianne Gonzales, Treasurer
Steve Hardin, Councilor
Lee Burns, Secretary
Delores Ascona, Formation Director (not pictured)

Retreat 2014

Our annual Silent Retreat was held March 7-9, 2014 at Cedarbrake in Belton, TX.  Fr. Sanchez from the Dallas Retreat Center was our presenter.  It was cold and a bit rainy. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Canonical Erection Ceremony January 4, 2014

Diane Gray, President - Marianne Gonzales, Councilor - Birdie Ehrenfeld, Councilor
Fr. Bonaventure, O.C.D.S., Provincial Delegate

Canonical Erection Ceremony and Celebration
January 4, 2014
We celebrated a very special occasion, we are a Community!!
Fr. Bonaventure Sauer, O.C.D.S., provincial delegate, officiated at our ceremony. Members from several other communities, San Antonio, Austin and Waco attended this special event to celebrate with us!! Also present were the Franciscans and Divine Mercy Group. Ten years have passed since our first meeting!!